Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Shear force and bending moment diagrams using Matlab, Hibbeler's Mechanics.

Problem 6-11 of "Mechanics of Materials", Hibbeler, 8th. edition is solved using a Matlab program.

Matlab program

% hibbeler_6_11.m
% Ricardo E. Avila Montoya, Feb. 18, 2014


disp(' ')
disp('Solution of Prob. 6-11, Hibbeler,')
disp('"Mechanics of Materials", 8th. ed')
% Solution of equilibrium equations.
% The unknown forces of the system are Cx, Cy, Dx, Dy

% Matrix of coefficients: distance is measured in feet
A = [-1  0  1  0;     % Equation:   -Cx + Dx = 0;
      0 -1  0  1;     % Equation:   -Cy + Dy = 800;
      0  0 -2 -4;     % Equation:   -2Dx -4Dy = -8000;
      0  0  3 -4];    % Equation:   4Dx -3Dy = 0;
% Right Hand Side of equilibrium equations:
RHS = [0; 800; -8000; 0];

% Solve the linear system to find the unknown forces:
Force_vector = A \ RHS; % A Matlab algorithm is used here.
disp(' ')
disp('Forces at points C and D, Lb: ')

format compact
% Assign values of the equilibrium solution to the forces:
Cx = Force_vector(1)
Cy = Force_vector(2)
Dx = Force_vector(3)
Dy = Force_vector(4)

% From here on, distance measurement unit is inches
L = 120;    % length of A-C main beam, inch
dx = .25;   % discrete division of x-axis, along beam A-C

% Generate discrete values for the x-axis of beam A-C
x = [0 : dx: L]';

N = size(x, 1);   % number of rows in column of x-axis values

% Initialize values of variables to be used in beam problem:
V = zeros(N, 1); % Shear force
M = V;            % Bending moment
y = V;            % elastic curve, y(x) displacement

% Solution of linear system to calculate integration constants:
A = [72 1; 120 1];              % From boundary conditions of beam
RHS = [49766400; 164044800];    % Right-hand side of equations
C = A \ RHS;    % Solution of the linear system of equations

disp(' ')   % display empty line
disp('First constant of integration: ')
disp('Second constant of integration: ')

% y(x) is obtained by the method of double integration

for j = 1 : N
   % First section of beam, from A to B 
   V(j) =  -800;
   M(j) =  -800 * x(j);
   y(j) =  -133.333 * x(j)^3 + C(1) * x(j) + C(2); 
   if x(j) >= 72; % 2nd. section of beam, from B to C 
      V(j) = V(j) + Dy;
      M(j) = M(j) + Dy * (x(j) - 72) + 24 * Dx;
      y(j) = y(j) + (Dy/6) * (x(j) - 72)^3 + 12 * Dx * (x(j) - 72)^2;

% Material properties of square hollow section 4" x 4" x 1/4" wall
E = 29E6;   % Lb/in2, ASTM A-36 steel
I = 7.8;    % in^4, from tables of structural materials

% Divide by the product E*I, to obtain elastic curve 
y = y/(E * I);

% Post-processing section
disp('Maximum absolute value of bending moment (Lb-in): ')

plot(x, V, 'r', 'linewidth', 2)
axis([0 120 -850 450])
xlabel('x, in')
ylabel('V(x), in')
title('Shear force diagram')

plot(x, M, 'b', 'linewidth', 2)
xlabel('x, in')
ylabel('M(x), Lb-in')
title('Bending moment diagram')

% The beam is considered as simply soported at points B (x = 72)
% and C (x = 120), for the calculation of the elastic curve.
% The effect of the motion of point D under load, due to bending
% of the projected arm BD, can be added later, and that effect
% superimposed to the elastic curve as it has been calculated here.
plot(x, y, 'k', 'linewidth', 2)
xlabel('x, in')
ylabel('y, in')
title('Elastic curve of beam')

disp('Successful run of Matlab program. ')
disp(' ')

% end of Matlab program


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