This is a proposed solution to problem 1-33 of the textbook
"Mechanics of Materials", 8th. edition, by R. C. Hibbeler,
using a simple Matlab program. The program solves a system
of two linear equations, for each value of the angle, in order to
calculate the values of normal and shear stress; these values are
functions of the angle 'theta'. The angle 'theta' is formed between
a vector, perpendicular to the area on which the stresses are being
observed or calculated, and a horizontal or longitudinal axis in
the material.
Mohr's circle for values of stress is generated by the solution of the problem,
since the normal stress acts as a sine function, and the shear stress
like a cosine function.
The program can be run with unity input values, for lack of other information:
base = 1
height = 1
applied load = 1
% Problem 1.33, Hibbeler, 'Mechanics of Materials', 8th. ed.
% the 'theta' angle is measured with respect to the longitudinal
% axis of the loaded material.
% for Windows 10, select graphics toolkit
h = input('Height of material dimension: ');
P = input('Applied load: ');
theta = (0: delta_theta : pi)'; % Generate column array: theta
sigma = zeros(size(theta,1), 1); % sigma: normal stress
tau = sigma; % tau: shear stress
A = zeros(2, 2); % 2x2 matrix
RHS = zeros(2, 1); % Right-hand side of linear system
RHS(1,1) = P; % Applied load
bh = b * h; % Material: base * height
A(1, 1) = bh ;
A(1, 2) = bh * tan(theta(index));
A(2, 1) = tan(theta(index));
A(2, 2) = -1;
stress = A \ RHS; % Solve linear system of equations
sigma(index) = stress(1, 1); % normal stress
tau(index) = stress(2, 1); % shear stress
plot(theta, sigma) % Plot variation of normal stress with angle theta
xlabel('theta, radians')
ylabel('sigma, normal stress')
xlabel('theta, radians')
ylabel('tau, shear stress')
line(sigma, tau)
axis equal
grid on
xlabel('sigma, normal stress')
ylabel('tau, shear stress')
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