Monday, April 14, 2014

Hibbeler Problem 6-35. Shear force, bending moment and elastic curve diagrams.

Problem 6-35, 8th. edition of Hibbeler's "Mechanics of Materials".

A Matlab program to calculate and plot shear force, bending moment and elastic curve
of the loaded beam.

Length of beam is 6 m. Establish the x axis with its origin (x = 0) at the left end of the beam.

The beam is simply supported at its ends (x = 0 at left end, x = 6 at right end).

The load on the beam can be divided to form two loads, and thus simplify the problem:

1. A distributed uniform load of 200 N/m is located on the right half, 3 to 6 m of the beam.

2. A distributed uniformly increasing load starts from 0 N/m at x = 3 m, and it increases
to 200 N/m at the right end of the beam, x = 6 m.

Calculation of reaction forces at the supports: lump the loads, then there is a concentrated
load of 600 N located at x = 4.5, and another concentrated force of 300 N at x = 5.

The reactions are found to be RA = 200N, and RB = 700 N.

The figures below show the calculations to find bending moment M(x), shear force V(x) and
the elastic curve y(x).

Click on the figures to make them larger.



% hibbeler_6_35.m
% Irma Iveth Martinez Huerta / Ricardo E. Avila
% /


disp(' ')
disp('Problem 6-35, Hibbeler''s ')
disp('"Mechanics of Materials", 8th. ed.')
disp(' ')

% Pre-processing section
L = 6;              % Total length of beam
dx = L/600;         % x-axis division is 1 centimeter
x = [0 : dx : L]';  % x-axis is defined
n = size(x, 1);     % Size of the x-axis column of data

% Initialize data structures
V = zeros(n, 1);   
M = V;             
Y = V;

% Processing section of Matlab program
% Since no values of E (elastic modulus) and I (moment of inertia)
% are given, we use E = 1 and I = 1 to plot the elastic curve.

% First constant of integration, calculated from boundary condition
% x = 0 @ y = 6:
C1 = -1065;

for index = 1 : n

     % First portion of the beam, 0 < x < 3
     V(index) = 200;
     M(index) = 200 * x(index);
     Y(index) = 33.3333 * x(index)^3 + C1 * x(index);

     % Second portion of the beam, 3 < x < 6
      if  x(index) >= 3
          V(index) = V(index) - 200 * (x(index)-3) ...
                              - 33.3333 *((x(index)-3)^2);

          M(index) = M(index) - 100 *((x(index)-3)^2) ...
                              - 11.1111 * ((x(index)-3)^3);

          Y(index) = Y(index) -  8.3333 * ((x(index)-3)^4) ...
                              -  0.5556 * ((x(index)-3)^5);



% Material and geometric properties are given unit value:
E = 1;      % Elastic constant is unit value (not calculated)
I = 1;      % Moment of Inertia is unit value (not calculated)

% Post-processing
plot(x, V, 'r', 'linewidth', 3)
xlabel('x, m')
ylabel('V(x), N')
title('Shear Force Diagram')

plot(x, M, 'b', 'linewidth', 3)
xlabel('x, m')
ylabel('M(x), N-m')
title('Bending Moment Diagram')

plot(x, Y, 'k', 'linewidth', 3)
xlabel('x, m')
ylabel('y(x), m')
title('Elastic Curve Diagram')

disp(' ')
disp('Successful execution of Matlab program.')

% end of Matlab program

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.